sabato 15 aprile 2017


2 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - God ,creating the world, provided the resurrection of His Son, in whom the entire universe is redeemed by death..There,on the seventh day, God rested by His labor, performing Saturday and Easter. Creator and creature eventually meet themselves and the endless joy of the eighth day starts .
    This first day after the saturday , it is the eighth day of the week : it is the "Sunday" ,Lord's day, in which Saturday, Easter and Pentecost happen togheter .
    In it the new creation lives, redeemed from evil and full of Spirit.
    Because of this, the Christian "lives as saturday" every day, living the everyday life in the feast day , in the light of the Risen Lord. .
    The big surprise of the morning of the new Easter, is the empty tomb.
    How is it that the Lord is not where He was placed, where everyone is or will placed forever? .
    Mary can not understand.She runs to announce the disappearing of Jesus. She thinks that they have purloining Him.
    She has not yet understood that love wins death.
     Mary does not speak about the "Body" of Jesus, but the “Lord."
    She ignores that they didn't "take off " the Lord from the tomb. It is Him who has raised, and forever, the stone from the tomb.
    Mary thinks that the enemies have situated Him somewhere else.
    The lying linen with the shroud aside, are the signs that the Lord is not there and He has not been stolen. Seeing this, the beloved disciple believes in Jesus, Lord of life, even if not having seen Him. He is the prototype of those who, after him, will believe in Jesus without seeing Him through the signs narrated by the evangelist himself (vv 30-31) .
    John, conscious of being the last one among those who have seen Jesus, declares the 'importance of "believing without seeing."

  2. --->This “different” disciple sees with the heart.
    Love is the beginning of faith, which gives life.
    The connection between seeing and believing it means that faith, far from being blind, it is wide open eye on reality.
    Indeed of Peter they not say anything. We can assume, without doing violence to the text, that the author wants to show in him the objective aspect of faith: the tomb is empty and the body was not stolen.
    In the beloved disciple instead the evangelist highlights the subjective aspect of faith.
    Love " sees" the signs and "believes in the Risen Jesus, without seeing Him.
    To Mary, finally, followed by two other disciples and by Thomas,it is reported the founding experience reserved for those who send to us the message of resurrection: they see and touch the Risen One.
    Finally we come , who believe in their testimony. .
    The fraternity associates us to every men, till to the extreme bounds of earth.
    Each event, unique and unrepeatable, it is seen only by those who are near it in time and in space.
     However, the word of those who witness Him , makes Him present even to the listeners.
    Theme of John 20 is the relation between "seeing and believing" (8-29): they see a fact and they believe in what it means.
    The man is the one who knows how to read reality.
    Every event is a sign, which is significant only for those who understand it.
    Faith is not blind: it is intelligence that captures the meaning of the facts and realizes why they was this way and not otherwise.
    To believe is not credulity, but the most reasonable reading of reality.
    The first disciples, contemporary to Jesus , believe in Him not only because they have seen Him Risen, but also because they have experienced what it means to them that He was Risen.
    We who come after, believe on their word.
    Accepting their testimony, we see with their eyes.
    Anyway whoever believes, has or has not seen, he lives the same experience: he adheres with love to the Risen Lord and lives of His Spirit. The promise of the Lord is understandable only after its fulfilment and in the light of His Spirit of Love (14:26).
    For this the disciples can believe the scripture and the words of Jesus only after His Resurrection.
    There it always remainsa veil on the face of those who read the Scripture, which is removed from the conversion to Christ the Lord. And this is given to those who contemplated His love and loves Him.For us, that come after the first ones that have seen and touched Him, the Gospels and the whole Scripture become as the Body of Christ they are the sign in which we encounter Him and we see Him Risen


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