venerdì 25 novembre 2016


1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI – "Then stay awake ," Jesus says to the disciples who ask Him "when" the end of the world will be , and "the signs" that forecast God's judgment.
    We can say that "when" is always the " plain daily custom "; the judgment of God operates in it..
    In our daily work they decide salvation or perdition, being with Him or far away from Him , blessing or curse.
    Life or death depend on doing or not the Word that the Lord has set before us (Dt 39.15 to 20). At the end one reaps what he has sown before.
    Christianity is not an anesthetic that makes us forget the present evil in the illusion of a future good . It is instead a lighting, which shows us the reality and makes it to assuming to us with intelligence and responsibility, in forecast of a positive aim .
    Being aware of the present time , we wake up and we live as children of light.
    The one who has discernment , in the travails just described ,
    sees the One who is coming..
    In "this generation" as in any other, it is accomplished the mystery of His cross and His glory.
    His Word comes true with certainty , but It does not says the day or the hour, because every day and every hour He is coming, for those that have open eyes .
    It is necessary to be vigilant, because His coming (as His judgment of salvation ) always takes place in the present moment: in the same time and making the same things, they can ,as Noah , building the ark that saves or be overwhelmed by flood that swallows.
    Salvation or damnation depends on "how" they live these things everyday.
    The enlightened one lives everything as son and as brother in thanksgiving: "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever else you do, do it all for the glory of God," Paul says(1 Cor 10:31).
    The blind instead sees these things not as a gift of God, but as an object to be owned.
    At the end there is always the flood (7.24 to 27). We are mortal.
    What is built on the Word of God endures as the ark, what is built on our foolishness collapses, covered by waters.
    Discernment and vigilance need to us to see Immanuel, who is always with us.
    The one who awaits Him and recognizes Him, in deeds and not just in words, meets Him as the Bridegroom who is coming.
    Otherwise He would be like the thief who breaks the house.
    Discernment and vigilance, in turn, become everyday into an activity daily faithful to His Word, on which it depends the eternal future.
    Jesus, instead of predicting us the future, sends us back
    to read the present in the light of His history.
    With Him, the time is fulfilled, (Mark 1:15), and the chance to live it fully is offered to us..
    In fact, the future judgment of God upon me is nothing else that my judgment present about Him: I it make here and now in my recognizing of Him ,or not ,in the brother.
    The Church is "enlightened" it is not like those of the night, but remains always
    vigilant and sober.


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