venerdì 2 dicembre 2016


3 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - Those days, or that time, of which the Gospel says they are the days and the time in which the listener plunges . The reading "actualizes" the reader: makes him "currently" present to what happens, so that could happen to him.
    The listening brings us in the eternal day of God.(Heb 4,11)
    It makes revive what is narrated firsthand .
    "let's us, then,press forward to enter “ in this day of God (Heb 4:11).
    The desert, located between Egypt and "the promised land", is for Israel the place of the already and not yet.
    Already out of slavery, not yet in freedom
    It 's the place for the journey and the doubt, for listening and for the rebellion, for the confidence and the fall.
    In the desert there is nothing and you go towards the whole.
    Loneliness puts everyone in front of himself , of the others and of the Other, with no way out.
    The Word and the manna , the water and the food, which formed the People of God were given there
    Israel, once passed, remembers the desert as the time of the engagement, when God and people spoke each another..
    And He waits for a new desert, a revival of the first love (Hos 2:16).
    John prepares to welcome the Lord who comes.
    The prophets in Israel keep the promise alive. Not only they recall to the obedience but, above all, they prevent that the religiosity is reduced only to the law, without heart, without man and ultimately without God. Behind the Word there is the One who speaks.
    There's not just an idea to understand or an order to execute , but to establish communion with the One who in His Word communicates Himself.
    For this the prophet calls to "look up" (Hos 11,7), to raise our eyes from the things to the hand and the face of the One Who hands them.
    To forget this means to fall into the fetishism : they take a liking to ring and they forget the lover.
    The danger of a religion of the Word is to reduce this to a fetish, as in the vain forms of fundamentalism, dogmatism and legalism.
    With the Scripture they can do what the pagans do with the other gifts of God.
    To forget the reference to Him.
    John is the prophet who stands on the threshold between past and future.
    For him, the promise is not the grave, but the womb of novelty.
    Icon of the Old Testament that passes to its fulfillment,he is the Elijah who has to come (3.23 ml) which, indeed, already came, even though not recognized, anticipating the fate of the One who wants to make Him being recognized
    The culmination of the patient labor of God lasted thousands of years, the Baptist is the man ready to welcome, beyond any promise, the Lord who has promised.
    It is not only the ascetic or the mystic who encounters God in the solitude of the desert: he is the apostle, who wants everybody to welcome to the One who always comes, and awaits to be welcomed.
    Chronologically ahead the Lord of a step, he follows Him spiritually.

  2. He is the voice that proclaimed Him, and the Lord is his word.
    He, like Elijah, is the man before God, ready to the meeting. Like all prophets, he denounces sin and announces forgiveness. But compared to them, he has a new consciousness. He knows that that comes the One who he has promised. This will baptize us, instead of in the water of death, in the fire of His love.
    The Baptist represents the breaking of the ultimate limit of man.Our whole life is " a waiting “ for the One who is "advent ": we tend toward Him, because He comes to us.
    Jesus is the Son sent by the Father to the brothers to bring them back from exile at home.
    He is the One who has to come.Then He comes for those who wait Him, like the Baptist.
    The Church, following his example, enters in God's promise.

  3. Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 9:27-31.
    As Jesus passed by, two blind men followed him, crying out, “Son of David, have pity on us!”
    When he entered the house, the blind men approached him and Jesus said to them, "Do you believe that I can do this?" "Yes, Lord," they said to him.
    Then he touched their eyes and said, "Let it be done for you according to your faith."
    And their eyes were opened. Jesus warned them sternly, "See that no one knows about this."
    But they went out and spread word of him through all that land.


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