venerdì 24 marzo 2017


3 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - Jesus is not alone: ​​there is the "we" of the disciples with whom HE identifies Himself. They are his brothers, generated by the Word of truth that makes us free (8:32), children able to accomplish, like Him , the works of the Father in favor of the brothers. This "we" contrasts with the final "we" of the blind Pharisees who perform the works of their father, deceitful and murderer from the beginning. The term "must" is connected with the pre-eminently work , when the Son of Man, lifted up, will give the life to the world (3:14). The day is one in which Jesus came, that Abraham saw and rejoiced (8.56). While the Son lives, He makes the works of the Father. The time of his earthly life is the day which has enlightened and enlightens every man, showing him his reality. The night represents the end of His days, when the darkness will capture the light.
    The night is the condition of the world without Him, its light; it is the same condition from which the blind will be freed. Jesus' life on earth, from His birth to His glorification, is the light of the world, for everyone and for ever. With these words Jesus presents Himself as the servant of YHWH, light of the nations, Who opens the eyes of the blinds. (Is 42.6 ... 49.6 ...). Until He is in the world, He manifests to His brothers the love of the Father. The miracle that follows is the "sign" of Jesus as the light of the world . He made a mud with the spittle. The gesture recalls the creation of man made from earth (Gen. 2.7). But it is a new creation that Jesus places before the eyes of the blind: the slime is no longer mixed with water, but with the Spirit. This is the original project of God, Who made Adam with the earth livened by Its breath: God did him His son. Man is a strange animal :is related to the earth and the sky, sharing the characteristics of the creation and these of of the Creator. This condition makes him essentially "eccentric": his body is earth , but his heart lies elsewhere.
    God Itself, the Other from all, is his life; for this he is extraneous to all and, as well being in the world, he is not of the world. But the mud also recalls the perdition, sinking in the mud, like Jeremiah in the cistern, is the worst experience (Ger.38,6).

  2. But who can take away from the mud of the dead man who is mud and in it sinks, if not that mud which is mixed with Spirit and Life? His mud, that of Jesus is his humanity, similar to the ours, but also divine. He is jointly man and God, the Son who lives in the same Spirit of the Father. His Body is the Messianic Unction that returns to any flesh its full humanity. "His" Mud is the humanity of God, Who saves us from the mud in which we drown. Jesus does not heal the blind. He orders him , as Elisha the leper, to leave and wash himself(2 Kings, 5:10). He has placed the mud on his eyes , He has placed before him the new man. It is now to the blind man to say yes or no to the proposal. His life depends by his freedom to listen or not the Word. Faith is the free human answer to God's freeing project.
    The knowledge that he has of Jesus as " that man" becomes more and more clear and deep ... Indeed Jesus is the light of the world: His mud, earth mixed with spittle, is His humanity of Son of man and Son of God, who, placed before our eyes, enlightens us on the truth of man and of God; the faith that saves is just listening to the Word that immerses us in the Son, sented by the Father to the brothers. The external healing is a sign of the internal healing. This happens through the dialogue that explains and makes took place , both in the blind man and in the one who reads with his own eyes, the reality without prejudices. In the dialogue that follows, the Word, light of men, just when it shines to the eyes of the blind man, that becomes witness of this, it confronts itself with the voices of darkness.
    Now the interrogations of the former blind man here they begin, starting from neighbors and acquaintances to which its previous condition was well known . For whom is used to see him sitting to begging, the new situation poses a problem. Is he really himself or an another one ? His previous condition is described with the words "to sit" and " to beg" : he was motionless and dependant from the others. Now instead he walks and is free. What is his own identity? It is important as the other sees me as seen. Man is relationship, and the relationship changes when even the other sees me different from how he saw me in advance, otherwise I stay nailed to his previous judgment, to his pre-judgment, indeed. Every true identity is dynamic and vital; otherwise it is false and deadly. The former blind man now can say: "I am," using the words of Jesus to show himself. (4.26 to 6.20 ... -8.24). The light has enlightened him. He is himself light, because his light has come(IS. 60.1)

    The opposition of the leaders has the opposite effect and will make to see more the former blind man : he will understand 'that THE GLORY OF GOD is 'THE ALIVE MAN . To the"we know" of the leaders, HE opposes the '"I know" of a man who sees and doesn't want renounce to say all what he knows.

  3. GOSPEL OF JN 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38

    As Jesus passed by he saw a man blind from birth.
    He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva,
    and smeared the clay on his eyes, and said to him,
    "Go wash in the Pool of Siloam" — which means Sent —.
    So he went and washed, and came back able to see.

    His neighbors and those who had seen him earlier as a beggar said,
    "Isn't this the one who used to sit and beg?"
    Some said, "It is, "
    but others said, "No, he just looks like him."
    He said, "I am."

    They brought the one who was once blind to the Pharisees.
    Now Jesus had made clay and opened his eyes on a sabbath.
    So then the Pharisees also asked him how he was able to see.
    He said to them,
    "He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and now I can see."
    So some of the Pharisees said,
    "This man is not from God,
    because he does not keep the sabbath."
    But others said,
    "How can a sinful man do such signs?"
    And there was a division among them.
    So they said to the blind man again,
    "What do you have to say about him,
    since he opened your eyes?"
    He said, "He is a prophet."

    They answered and said to him,
    "You were born totally in sin,
    and are you trying to teach us?"
    Then they threw him out.

    When Jesus heard that they had thrown him out,
    he found him and said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"
    He answered and said,
    "Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?"
    Jesus said to him,
    "You have seen him, and
    the one speaking with you is he."
    He said,
    "I do believe, Lord," and he worshiped him.


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