sabato 3 giugno 2017


3 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI -The Gospel says "the" and not "some" disciples, to indicate that they are and will always be in this situation. It is the place where they meet the Lord.
    Fear divides people; Everyone, closed in himself, is defending and attacking against the others .
    In this situation, in many ways , Jesus comes.
    He is not ashamed of His brothers, (Heb. 2:11), even if they have abandoned, renounced, and betrayed Him.. He had chosen them and joined them not because they are good and strong, but because they are small and weak, needy of Him.
    None closure stops the Risen One. Light comes into the darkness of the disciples.
    The Lord does not saves them from death - He has not saved (neither)even Himself - but in the death where they are in . Jesus does not enter through the barred door. It is not an obstacle for Him, as it was not the wall of death nor the stone of the tomb.
    It is Himself the door of life (10: 7-10).
    He stands upright, victorious on death. It is in the middle, at the center of the disciples, and in the heart of each one. He is light that dissolves the darkness, Love that scares every fear (1Gv 4,18).
    Where first death reigned, now ther'is the Living One. The one who loves us to the extreme, shows His glory. God is in the midst of His people. The Lord wants to stay always with us, even inside us.
    That's because He came where we were, in death and in the grave.
    "Peace to You" "Peace" is not simply the usual greeting of the Jews. It indicates the fullness of every Messianic blessing. It is the gift of Jesus who says, "I leave you peace, I give you my peace", that peace that the world does not know. It is the peace of love that wins hatred. "Have peace in me. You will have tribulations in the world; but have confidence: I have won the world. " The transfix hands and transfix side are the Identity of the Risen One . He is the Crucified, the Word became flesh, who exposed, disposed, and laid down His life, and taked it back again (10: 11-18), after having faced The Kingdom of Death. His wounds are the source of this peace, bringing to unity the dispersed children of God. They are the sores that heal us (Is 53: 5), the exposition of His extreme Love. "Let anyone who is thirsty, come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture says, streams of living water will flow from his heart "(7: 37).
    "That day", in the time of evening, darkness becomes light (Zc 14: 7), as the "first" day of Creation. The disciples, contemplating His hands and His side, perennial memory of God's love, they see the light of the world. They receive everlasting peace and joy. Now that the disciples, contemplating the wounds of His Passion for us, have seen and acknowledged the Lord: His Wounds of Love reveal Him as “ I am”.
    From this contemplation and communion of love, proper of the Eucharist, It comes the gift of the Spirit and the mission springs

    .The Risen Lord presents Himself as a Peace Maker. Joy and peace, joyful peace and peaceful joy, are the proper ways of the presence of the Lord, who assimilates us to Him. After enjoying to Lord's sight, the disciples listen to Him. If the eye sees and the heart rejoices, the ear listens: contemplation becomes love and obedience.
    The disciples are sent as He, to testify Father's Love (3: 16-17,6,26).
    "Father, as You sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world" (17,18).
    The one who is sent is called to do as Him : to love and to wash the feet (13: 13-17), fulfilling His own works (14: 2).

  2. -->The mission to the brothers expresses the nature of the child. It is loving the brother that they become sons .
    If the Son is necessarily sent by Father's Love to his brothers, the one who in turn goes to the brothers knows Father's love and becomes a son.

    The relationship between Jesus and the Father ("As the Father has sent me") is the same as between Him and us ("I also send you"). It's like saying, "You are me, if you do what I did to you. As you have received peace and joy, give peace and joy, forgiving you too. " After Jesus has received His "baptism" on the cross, we too are baptized into the Holy Ghost (1.33). Immersed in His Love, we can love how He loved us. The aim of Son's work is that we are increasingly participating in His love for the Father and the Brothers.
    For John, Pentecost, begun on the cross, explodes on Easter daywhen the disciples receive His Spirit.
    Since then it begins the era of the Spirit, in it lives anyone contemplating Glory, open to everyone in the wounds of the Wounded. The Spirit, the Love that all creates and re-creates, is the beginning of creation and redemption: forgiveness makes all things new. The mission to the brothers expresses the nature of the child. It is loving the brother that we become sons.

  3. Gospel Jn 20:19-23

    On the evening of that first day of the week,
    when the doors were locked, where the disciples were,
    for fear of the Jews,
    Jesus came and stood in their midst
    and said to them, "Peace be with you."
    When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side.
    The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.
    Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you.
    As the Father has sent me, so I send you."
    And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them,
    "Receive the Holy Spirit.
    Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them,
    and whose sins you retain are retained."


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