sabato 29 luglio 2017

A - 17 SUN.O.T.

1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI - "For the joy of it, he goes and sells everything he has and he buys that field." These last four short parables turned to the disciples complete the sermon of Jesus with a call to decision and to responsibility. Joy is the strength to decide themselves for the Kingdom, treasure to live with coherence and to transmit adequately. The first two parables are symmetrical, albeit with differences that illuminate different aspects of the unique theme: to decide for what is worth .
     They talk about "finding" (the result of a “ deep or not " searching), of a "hidden treasure" and of a "beautiful pearl" – pictures that are suggestive of the value and beauty of the Kingdom - and they emphasize the "selling everything in order to " buy "the field and the pearl.
    It is not enough to look for or to find: we have to decide.
    Anyone who wants to keep his foot into two shoes does not walk.
    The reason of the decision is joy, the passion for the treasure.
    The Love for Jesus makes them indifferent to the rest, makes free to finally walking towards the happiness.
    For this God gives us joy: to make us happy to decide. That's the reason why the enemy makes everything to make sad us or to prevent us from any positive decision.
    The second pair of parables is about the responsibility.
    It is true that the Church is not a sect of righteousness. It is the great net thrown into the sea, which fishes the brothers from the abyss.Woe if it was not so! But the one who has received mercy, he lives it with  responsibility for the other ! Lord's goodness is an incentive to correspond to it , not an alibi to evil:
    salvation is to be like Him!
    ­Specifically the "scribe" is responsible for understanding everything and transmitting it entirely, with attention to the new and the old, to the interpretation and to the tradition.
    He must keep in mind the New and the Old Testament, showing the truth of the promises in the light of Jesus, Who is the fulfillment.
    It is impossible to understand the fulfillment without knowing the promise, but also to understand the promise without knowing the fulfillment.
    The veil of the Old Testament is taken away only by Christ (2 Cor 3: 14-16).
    The Bible is the family treasure, from which, in the rigth time, the scribe, faithful administrator of the mysteries of the Kingdom, distributes to each one his ration of food.
    Blessed is that servant whose master will find him acting this way ,on his return, .
    Otherwise he belongs to the number of those who close the Kingdom of Heaven before men: they do not enter and prevent others from entering.
    Jesus is the hidden treasure and the precious pearl. Anyone, sooner or later, finds Him, whether if it doesn't seek Him, like the farmer, or seek Him, like the merchant.
    The Lord, as makes Himself found by the one who seeks Him (Is 66: 6), He also says, "Here I am", also makes Himself found by those who do not seek Him (Is 55: 1).
    He is the Wisdom that lays the table for the banquet of life: the joy of having met Him is the strength to decide to follow Him.
    The Church is made by those who focus their life on Him, precious treasure and pearls; Moreover they use what remains as much as it likes to Him.
    Everyone is responsible for living concretely in the light of this love.
    The scribe, specifically, is called to transmit this treasure well, old in the novelty and always new in its ancient root


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