sabato 14 ottobre 2017

A - 28 SUN.O.T.

1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI - "Friend, how did you enter here without a wedding dress?" The king asks to one who responded to the invitation to the wedding, but does not have the wedding dress. Those who attend Son's wedding are the Christians who have welcomed the Messiah. It is not enough, however, to have said yes: no one who says "Lord Lord" will enter the Kingdom but the one who does the will of the Father (7:21). In the midst of us, as in us, besides the grain there is always the weeds. What we read about the homicidal vintners it is true for us too.
    The biblical narratives are not a window on the backyard of the past to see what happened then. They are rather a mirror, which shows what is happening now in the reader.
    This narration , like a mirror, allows us to see what we would never otherwise see: our face (Gc 1,23-25).
    This parable is a development of the former, where it is said that the same fate concerns anyone who is confronted with the discarded stone. What Israel did, it also the church does..
    It is a recall to responsibility:
    being part of the people of God it was not, it is not and will never be a salvation talisman.
    Instead salvation comes from recognizing that we are exatly as our fathers.
    Il is not enough to say. "We have Abraham as father"; we must make fruits worthy of conversion, knowing that the Lord can change our heart of stone into heart of sons.
    However to a condition : that we recognize that we are like the brother that says yes and does nothing, in order to become like the brother that says no and then he repents of it.
    Being called and having responded does not mean to be saved automatically .
    We all are called; "Chosen" is the one who chooses freely to answer to the call not in words, but in fact and in truth.,renewed when the banquet is ready, followed by is the synthesis of the previous story that narrates the history of the people of Israel from the exodus until the times of its Messiah.
    There is a further invitation, still made to Israel, which is that of the apostles after the death of Jesus; in it repeats itself the rejection, indifferent or violent. This rejection of a part of Israel becomes an occasion for salvation for the others. The invitation is addressed to everyone, until the banquet hall is full.
    These commensal ones constitute the Church, where, however, as everywhere, there are good and bad ones.
    The second part reminds to us that, in order to be part of the people who accept the discarded stone, we must first agree to be among those who reject it. we are like the one without the wedding dress.
    Only in this way we can be among those who, listening Peter saying : "That Jesus that you have crucified is Christ and Lord", they were cut to the heart and they convert themselves.
    We have to experience that the Lord has come to save sinners, "of whom I am the first," as Paul says (1 Tim 1:15). Then we know the love of the Son who died for us, so that
     we live of Him: we attend the banquet with the wedding dress.


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