venerdì 27 gennaio 2017

A - 4 SUN.O.T.

1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI - "Blessed" Jesus says of those that we consider unhappy. For us is blessed the rich man, the mighty man, the honorable man, : the one who has, can and is important person.
    . For Jesus it is blessed the poor, the humble and the despised man.
    It is important the one who doesn't have , and isn't able and isn't important.
    . It ' is a radical upsetting of shares, without possibility of misunderstanding : either we are wrong , or He is wrong ! For Him they are blessed those whom we suppose to be cursed; cursed those who we suppose blessed.
    The beginning of the Sermon on the Mount is the manifesto, the "Magna Carta" of the Kingdom.
    It says who are the townsmen are , what is their condition.
     The criteria by which God judges and acts are just the opposite of ours.
    Kingdom of God and kingdom of man are opposed as two opposed ways of estimating and living.
    These are two opposite ways of being: that of Jesus, Son of the Father and brother of all, and that of those who, without the Father, and the brothers became by himself against everyone.
    We can use seven keys of reading to enter this text.
    The first one it is Christological.
    These words are an autobiography of Jesus. They reveal His Face of Son of God.
    The second one is theological. They manifest who God is : H'is His Father, equal to Him.
    The third one is anthropological. They show the face of the realized man, the face of the child to image of the Father.
    The fourth one is soteriological. They save us from the hypocrisy, from the falsehood, from the failure.
    The fifth one is ecclesiological. They show the featureres of the community of the children who live as brothers.
    The sixth is eschatological. They reveal the truth of reality: the judgment of God, the aim itself of the world.
    The seventh one is moral (not moralistic).
    They call us to "act " according to what we are, to live our identity.
    The Sermon on the Mount is a baptismal catechesis, a breviary of Christian life: the rule of life of the Son. But it is not a new law, more impossible of the ancient one.
    It is the new heart, promised by the prophets.
    In fact, what Jesus says here is what He lives, and, with His flesh, communicates to all flesh.
    His Words are not law, but Gospel; They are not noble and difficult requirements, but the sublime and beautiful gift that He offers us becoming our brother.
    Without the gift of the Spirit the Beatitudes are a sublime ideology , as much as much desperating as much sublime. Jesus doesn't only say , He gives us what He says.
    The Word of those chapters (5-7) has the power to make us new men:it purifies our life, it gives us the faith, it makes us capable of serving, it frees us from fear, evil, sin, sickness and death , It makes us able to see and proclaim the Kingdom of God.
    The Words of Jesus are the medicine for our ills, the truth that heals heart from lie that is at their origin. The Sermon on the Mount is a "indicatif " which becomes "imperative."
    The Son let us be what we are: children, then we have become brothers.
    Man has no other duty than becoming what he is. It s'important first to seize the "beauty" of this speach which presents again in the Son our true face and Father's face .This Words aren't only directed to disciples , or actually to more willing men, they are for everyone who searchs his own truth, they give to him his reality beyond any appearance. They are therefore the "salvation" of this world, the full development of its possibilities.


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