sabato 4 febbraio 2017

A - 5 SUN.O.T.

1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI – The salt gives flavor and preserves from corruption,it is also a symbol of wisdom, friendship and disposability to sacrifice.
    The community is salt when it has the flavor of the beatitudes.
    They give us our knowledge and taste, (know = having the flavor), they preserve us from corruption, they give us wisdom, skills of friendship, willingness to pay its costs.
    They are our identity as children of the Father.
    Our identity is "salt of the earth". Not only it gives meaning to our personal life, but to that of every man. The filial and fraternal life is for everybody very flavor of life.
    If one is not son, and is not brother to anyone, it simply is not.
    It is easy to lose the flavor of Christ, that means to give own lif e in love and humility,
    "Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will cool off ”.
    The seed of the Word that makes us children, it may not take root, it may dry up just when it has taked roots, it may be suffocated after growing.
    The worldly wisdom is not that of the cross.
    In each of u sit is great the struggle between the wisdom of love and that of selfishness.
    The disciple who does not have the flavor of Christ doen't worth anything anymore and does not help anyone.
    Those who "smells " of Christ is light, identity is important.
    Light is the beginning of creation.
    Jesus is seen by Matthew as the rising of a great light on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadows of death (4.12 to 17).
    In Him we are enlightened, we come to the light of our reality: we are born as children.
    Then who is enlightened , in turn, gives light to the others.
    What gives flavor to the earth, enlightens the world, showing them its beauty.
    The word "world" means order, structure, beauty. In the New. Testament. has a negative connotation. Indeed, "this" world is structured on the greed of having possessions,, power, look (1 Jn 2:16), with its deceptive charm that makes it looking good, beautiful, desirable.
    The filial life unveils the deception, and restores the truth of its splendor.
    The community is a city, the holy city, the place where we live the relations in divine and heavenly way not in devilish and hellish way .
    The holy city is on top of the mountains,
    as the temple of the Lord (IS 2.2).
    Everyone sees it and says"Let's come , let us climb the mountain of the Lord, because He will teach us His ways and we may walk in His paths." The identity can not remain hidden, even if it doesn't make anything to be seen.
    Salt can do anything but to salt , and light but to enlighten.
    The question is not to salt or to enlighten, but to be salt and light.
    No one can give what he does not have : what you are speaks louder than what you say.
    In fact we are not the light, but the lamp.
    The lamp is a simple clay pot, with a sooty that emerges from the oil.
    Only if it burns , it illuminates.
    So we also give light only when we are lighted by Christ, by the fire of His love.
    How many times we turn off the light under the bushel of our opportunism.
    Indeed the lamp should be placed on a lampstand. The lampstand for Jesus was the cross: the maximum of His concealment was His full revelation. The brothers notice the fire in me, if it is there, and they are helped by it to live their faith. Jesus will say just after not to act before men, to have glory from them. He says here that our good works edify the brothers, that in our fraternal life experience the fragrance of Christ and glorify God.


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