sabato 10 dicembre 2016


2 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI – " Is-it you??" It is the fundamental question of man to recognize his Lord.
    Jesus answers referring to his works, as saying. "I am the One who You see through what I do."
    Salvation is to welcome Him who comes as He is revealed, not as we would .
    After what Jesus has said and has done and the disciples go on the mission, there is we have to pronounce upon him: to welcome Him is the Kingdom.
    Chapter 11 begins with the question of the Baptist and Jesus' answer, this goes on with the praise of
    Bapthist by Jesus ... concluding with a beatitude that contains the previous nine: "Blessed is the one who is not sccandalized about me."
    Indeed, He incarnates the Word announced at the mount.
    John's question in prison constitutes the culmination of the prophecy, as a questioning of their expectations to open to listening to what the other says.
    John is the man who makes himself question to receive from the Lord the answer.
    "What did you go to see '' Jesus questions to the crowds about the Baptist.
    He searches to make to them understand the importance of his figure: he is the mystery of man before the mystery of God.
    The life of the Precursor is inseparably intertwined with that of the Saviour, as the voice to the Word, the wait to awaited, the water of the Spirit, the question to the answer.
    Not teacher of certainties, but researcher of truth, John puts himself in question and starts listening.
    Jesus praises him as a true man, so different from the busts that show themselves.
     He is the greatest among those born of women, even more than patriarchs and the prophets.

    Indeed , to his making himself question :"It is You?" it puts him on the threshold of the Coming, ready to welcome His answer . John is not a weather vane, an opportunist who bends to all situations to turn them to his advantage. No wind moves him except the Spirit of God. In fact, like all prophets " he styas “ before the Lord
    (Jh 1:35) .Who doesn't stay before Him, is agitated and acted by his own idols and interests .
    The prophet denounces sin, calls to conversion and announces forgiveness. John is more than a prophet: he is the threshold between the promise and the fulfillment culmination of the prophecy .
    Anyway the least in the kingdom is greater than him.
    If he is the culmination of the promise, the least in the kingdom is the beginning of the fulfillment. And this beginning is violent, as labor pains.
    Jesus is the Lord who comes for "His own " judgment.
    John is the messenger before the Voult , the reviving Elijah who prepares the welcome (Ml 3:23 ...)
    The Church is done by children who find in the greatest among those born of women, their patriarch. They are generated by his question , summit of expectation to which the Awaited can and wants to reply.

  2. Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 17:10-13.
    As they were coming down from the mountain, the disciples asked Jesus, “Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?”
    He said in reply, "Elijah will indeed come and restore all things;
    but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him but did to him whatever they pleased. So also will the Son of Man suffer at their hands."
    Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist.


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