venerdì 23 dicembre 2016


3 commenti:

  1. . FAUSTI – "The kindness of God our Savior, and His love for humanity, have been revealed...” (Titus 3.4) .In this scene, we are called to contemplate the philanthropy of God made flesh for us in His Son. The scene of a God who has become small and helpless, to be welcomed by our hands, it is already a prelude of the cross.
    His birth reveals a "passionate” personality ; He shows His passion for man, His extreme sympathy for him, which prompted him to share his condition.
    The issue of the Christian faith is to welcome the flesh of God Who made Himself jontly responsible with our weakness: "Any soul which acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in human nature is from God" (1 Jn 4,2).
    It reveals to us that God That no one has ever seen (Jn 1:18).
    The scene, the fulfillment of the Annunciation, is built like a counterpoint between the human power that exalts , expands and consumes hitself in a global census, the first in history, and the powerlessness of God Who humbles , shrinks Himself and becomes a Child.
    If the Son of God had came with power, in the splendor of His Glory, He certainly would'nt have been exposing to rejection. All we would have welcomed Him and necessary.
    But He would not have been God, but an idol.
    It is believed that God, 'tremendum et alliciens' mystery be "of enormous magnitude", "extraordinary splendor" and "terrible to see" (Dan 2:31). These, in themselves, are the characteristics of the idol, common to all religions.
    God is rather on the side of the pebble that beats down the idol (Dan 2:34).
    The sign to recognize it will be different:
    its huge size will be the one of the small, its charming splendor that of the little Child in arms , his tremendous aspect that of a trembling body in the manger.
    St. Ignatius puts the determining criterion of faith in the two flags: the flag of our king is "poverty, humiliation and humility" (Magnificat)
    That of "wealth, vainglory and pride" is of satan.
    This first presentation that Luke makes of Jesus, and that has affected so much St. Francis, is normative for our faith: it is the front door to enter the house where He lives, and being able to know Him.

  2. . FAUSTI – "The kindness of God our Savior, and His love for humanity, have been revealed...” (Titus 3.4) .In this scene, we are called to contemplate the philanthropy of God made flesh for us in His Son. The scene of a God who has become small and helpless, to be welcomed by our hands, it is already a prelude of the cross.
    His birth reveals a "passionate” personality ; He shows His passion for man, His extreme sympathy for him, which prompted him to share his condition.
    The issue of the Christian faith is to welcome the flesh of God Who made Himself jontly responsible with our weakness: "Any soul which acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in human nature is from God" (1 Jn 4,2).
    It reveals to us that God That no one has ever seen (Jn 1:18).
    The scene, the fulfillment of the Annunciation, is built like a counterpoint between the human power that exalts , expands and consumes hitself in a global census, the first in history, and the powerlessness of God Who humbles , shrinks Himself and becomes a Child.
    If the Son of God had came with power, in the splendor of His Glory, He certainly would'nt have been exposing to rejection. All we would have welcomed Him and necessary.
    But He would not have been God, but an idol.
    It is believed that God, 'tremendum et alliciens' mystery be "of enormous magnitude", "extraordinary splendor" and "terrible to see" (Dan 2:31). These, in themselves, are the characteristics of the idol, common to all religions.
    God is rather on the side of the pebble that beats down the idol (Dan 2:34).
    The sign to recognize it will be different:
    its huge size will be the one of the small, its charming splendor that of the little Child in arms , his tremendous aspect that of a trembling body in the manger.
    St. Ignatius puts the determining criterion of faith in the two flags: the flag of our king is "poverty, humiliation and humility" (Magnificat)
    That of "wealth, vainglory and pride" is of satan.
    This first presentation that Luke makes of Jesus, and that has affected so much St. Francis, is normative for our faith: it is the front door to enter the house where He lives, and being able to know Him.


  3. --->Certainly a little God exposes Himself to rejection. It is 'the vulnerability of the Love, which can not respect the freedom. But to those who welcome Him as He is, He gives the "power to become children of God."
    The historical fact, unique, happened two thousand years ago, is first narrated, then announced as a sign to read, which gives meaning to the whole story then verified by the shepherds.
    Through the story that first Mary told and that Luke, shepherd became in his turn announcer, has transmitted to us, we too are called to contemplate and touch with Her the very Word of Life.
    Thus, like the first shepherds, we become in our turn, proclaimers of the Word: "He was born to you today a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
    Thf faith to this announcement, we too are led to salvation.
    The today of birth of the Savior is accomplished wherever He is proclaimed and believed as among the shepherds who are setting off to go see Him.
    After the angel's words the sky opens itself and men can attend the heavenly liturgy that takes place over this Child.
    To this heavenly liturgy, disclosed by the announcement that gives the interpretation of it, it corresponds an earthly liturgy, of poor people, obedient to the Word, which runs to see a poor Child, Whom they believe "what the Lord has notified."
    In these shepherds , first listeners who in turn will make themselves announcers, the Church appears this way.
      It was founded by the announcement, checks this day of salvation and towards back it to the others with the announcement. It is a Church is of poors and of last ones as the Annoiunced Himself
    By virtue of faith, the Church recognizes, announces, glorify and praise God who revealed Himself in the powerlessness of Jesus.e same message, from mouth, to mouth through the shepherds become evangelists, conveys to us the fulfillment of God's promise.


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